Campus News and Features

Lack of air conditioning affects campus life

By Ella Hambrice, Staff Writer

As the weather transitions from winter to spring, the interior climate must also change from heat to air conditioning. The Georgetown College staff has been diligently working to transition all the dormitories and classroom buildings to air conditioning, but the process has not been without its difficulties. The complications and difficult nature of the transition have prolonged excessive warmth in the buildings, prompting many complaints among the student population.  

Georgetown College student Kerrigan Medley said, “Going to class is a challenge in itself due to the hot conditions, but there’s really no escape as the dorms… have been even more difficult to withstand.” 

The recent extreme heat has made it challenging for students and staff to work in the classrooms, and students experience the same high heat levels in their dorm rooms. Some students who live nearby have retreated to their family homes, and other students have taken to sleeping with the windows open.

Due to the extreme heat across campus, some professors have cancelled classes or ended class extremely early. Georgetown College student Kaylee Baker said, “My class [on Tuesday] got cancelled due to the heat, and my class yesterday only lasted ten minutes because the heat was unbearable.” Other professors have held classes outside to avoid the heat indoors.

On Monday, April 15, students decided to be proactive about the unfortunate heating situation on campus. Instead of lingering inside in the heat, many students took the initiative to enjoy the warm weather outside. The brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha brought out a slip-n-slide, others tanned on towels in the quad and some enjoyed a couple games of sand volleyball. Although the heat inside was troublesome, students found a way to stay positive and soak up some fun moments of the semester before it comes to an end.  

From classrooms to dorms, the heat has been inescapable. However, the Georgetown College administration has been quite diligent in resolving the issue. Thankfully, most of the dorms have already been switched to functional air condition services, and the rest are in the process of being switched over. Unfortunately, there is not a clear time frame for restoring air conditioning to the classroom buildings, but the Georgetown College staff will continue to work on the matter and provide updates to students.

No matter the indoor situation, the weather is becoming more and more enjoyable each day as the spring season progresses. Students can view the warm indoor temperatures as an excuse to get outdoors, celebrate nature and admire its beauty.

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